privacy policy

This website is managed and operated by Nene Momose.
Before using this website, please read the following items and use it only if you agree.

This website policy is subject to change without notice.
Please always check the latest contents.


This website is operated and managed with the utmost care, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of information and operations.
Please note that we are not responsible for any damage caused by using this website or not being able to use it for some reason.

The information posted on this website is the information at the time of posting.
Please note that information that differs from the current situation and information on products that have already been discontinued are also posted.

About copyright

The copyrights and portrait rights of the images posted on this website belong to the respective right holders.
Unauthorized reproduction, duplication, processing, or modification of information on copyrighted works such as texts, images, and videos that exist on this website is prohibited.

If you have any problems with the content of the article or the posted images, please contact each right holder directly by e-mail. After confirmation, we will respond.

About comments

This website records the IP address used when making comments. We will not use this IP address for anything other than dealing with spam and vandalism.

Please note that all comments will be posted after the administrator confirms and approves the contents in advance. In addition, comments including the contents listed in the following items may be deleted without approval at the discretion of the administrator.

  • Those who slander or slander a specific natural person or corporation
  • Those containing extremely obscene content
  • Items prohibited by law, such as transactions of prohibited items, requests for acts that harm others, requests for acts, mediation, etc.
  • Others that are offensive to public order and morals or that should not be approved by the caretaker

about the link

In principle, you can freely link to this website. However, please refrain from direct links to images and PDF files.
When linking, please be sure to specify that it is a link to this website, and refrain from any statements or expressions that may cause misunderstanding.

In addition, we do not have a banner for linking, so please link from the text.

In addition, the link sites that link to this website or from this website are not under the control of this website, and any damage caused by using them is not subject to this website. Does not take any responsibility.

Handling of personal information

This website understands the importance of protecting personal information, and will take the following measures regarding the collection, use, and safety management of personal information.

1. Purpose of use of personal information

This website may use personal information for the following purposes with the consent of the user.

  • When using the user’s contact information as needed, such as inquiries and opinions
  • When it is necessary to properly provide the services of this website, such as posting information that the user may be interested in, analyzing the usage status, etc.
  • When using information about users by analyzing or statisticalizing it in order to analyze and explain the services of this website to users and third parties. At this time, we will not disclose personally identifiable information to third parties.
  • When receiving and analyzing the answers to the questionnaire survey to the user, or when providing the questionnaire survey and the analyzed data as a service. At this time, we will not disclose any personally identifiable information.

2. Provision of personal information

This website will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of users, etc., except as required by law.
Information may be disclosed without the consent of the user in the following cases.

  • When the user’s consent is obtained
  • When it is necessary to protect the life, body, property, etc. of the user or other person, and it is judged that it is difficult to obtain the consent of the user.
  • In the event of a claim under the Provider Liability Limitation Act (Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and Disclosure of Identification Information of the Sender)
  • When legally required by the prosecutor, police or supervisory authorities under the compulsion, or when it is deemed necessary to cooperate with the commission or inquiry and obtaining the user’s consent would interfere with the purpose of the commission or inquiry, even in the case of a voluntary commission or inquiry without legal compulsion.

3. Disclosure / correction of personal information

The user can request disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, etc. of the customer information acquired by this website through this website.
However, if the disclosure falls under any of the following, we may not disclose all or part of it, and if we decide not to disclose it, we will notify you to that effect without delay.

  • When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property or other rights and interests of the person or a third party
  • When there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper implementation of the business of this website
  • When it violates the law

4. Protection of personal information

This website will comply with laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Law, and will take necessary reasonable measures to prevent loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information.

About the use of cookies, etc.

This website uses cookies (including similar technologies) for the purpose of improving convenience, enriching content, and statistically grasping usage status.
This website does not collect any personally identifiable information through the use of cookies, except with the consent of the user.

Use of ad technology, etc.

This website uses cookies to use the following ad technologies and behavior history collection tools.

  • Google analytics
  • Google Adsense
  • Amazon Associate Program

[purpose of use]

  • To improve the services provided on this website
  • To investigate the number of users and traffic of this website
  • To be used as reference material when developing new services, etc.
  • To serve advertisements according to the visit history of the website

In using this website, we may provide the provider of the ad tech, etc. with information about you that by itself cannot identify you, and this information will be handled in accordance with the privacy policy and other provisions set by the ad tech provider.

For information on collecting and disabling cookies, please check each site.

Google Analytics opt-out add-on
Google – Policies and Terms – Advertising Privacy Policy

Installation of “buttons” etc. for SNS (social network service)

This website has “buttons” such as the following SNS.
When you browse a page with “buttons” etc. on the SNS etc., information such as browsing the page may be automatically sent to the SNS etc.

For details, please check the following policies of each SNS etc.